Where is it raining? Where is hail falling? Where is it snowing?

The live weather radar map page shows areas where precipitation is currently occurring – www.rainviewer.com. The weather radar can detect the type of precipitation (rain, snow, hail) and determine its location. With the help of the weather radar map, it is also possible to predict where the rain will move next and how intense it will be.

Modern weather radar is mainly Doppler radar, which, in addition to precipitation intensity, can also detect the movement of precipitation. The type of precipitation is marked on the map with different colors.

  • Rain is shown from light green (drizzle) to red (heavy rain).
  • Hail is depicted in dark red.
  • Snow is shown in shades ranging from light blue to dark blue, depending on the intensity.

You can use the playback controls to enable map animation. This allows you to see where it was recently raining, snowing, or hailing before it reached your area and where it is heading.

Rain Viewer can access data from more than 1,000 weather radars worldwide.

In Latvia, there is only one such radar (near Riga Airport), and its technical specifications are as follows:

  • Air mass observation using the Doppler effect,
  • Atmospheric scanning with short radio waves (5.4 cm; 5.6 GHz; C-band),
  • Operational range – 250 km from Riga Airport,
  • Radar images are updated every 10 minutes.

The closest Doppler radars to Riga are located in Estonia (in central Estonia and Tallinn) and Lithuania (in western Lithuania and Vilnius).

By using the Rain Viewer real-time map, you can monitor current precipitation worldwide!

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